Best Friend Mobility Dog Wheelchair Review
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Looking for the best dog wheelchair to assist your large furry friend with mobility issues? Look no further than Best Friend Mobility! With their commitment to providing adjustable and high-quality pet wheelchairs, they have been helping dogs regain their ability to walk, run, and play since 2005.

Best Friend Mobility specializes in creating lightweight and adjustable wheelchairs that improve the quality of life for dogs suffering from conditions such as arthritis, hip dysplasia, degenerative myelopathy, and injuries leading to loss of limb or lameness. Their innovative products are designed to make pet wheelchairs accessible to more pets and their humans.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Best Friend Mobility offers adjustable and lightweight dog wheelchairs for large breeds.
  • Their wheelchairs are designed to improve the quality of life for dogs with mobility issues.
  • Conditions like arthritis, hip dysplasia, and degenerative myelopathy can benefit from their dog wheelchairs.
  • Best Friend Mobility aims to make pet wheelchairs accessible to more pets and their humans.
  • With a range of innovative products, they provide solutions for various mobility challenges.

Rear Support Dog Wheelchair

When it comes to providing mobility assistance to large dogs, Best Friend Mobility’s rear support dog wheelchair stands out as a top-rated option. This pet mobility device is designed to support and stabilize dogs with various mobility issues, allowing them to regain their independence and enjoy a better quality of life.

The canine wheelchair for large dogs is available in multiple sizes to ensure a perfect fit for dogs of different breeds and weights. It is made from durable materials, guaranteeing long-lasting performance and reliability. With its sturdy construction, the rear support dog wheelchair provides the necessary support and stability for dogs suffering from conditions such as hip dysplasia, arthritis, and neurological problems.

By using this cutting-edge pet mobility device, dogs can engage in normal activities like walking, running, and exploring their surroundings. The wheelchair’s adjustable design allows for a customized fit, ensuring both comfort and effectiveness for the dog. Not only does it enhance physical well-being, but the rear support dog wheelchair also promotes mental well-being by enabling dogs to maintain an active and fulfilling lifestyle.

The Benefits of a Dog Wheelchair

A canine wheelchair offers a host of benefits for dogs with mobility difficulties. Here are some key advantages:

  1. Improved Mobility: A dog wheelchair provides dogs with the support they need to move freely, allowing them to engage in daily activities and explore their environment.
  2. Enhanced Physical Fitness: Regular use of a dog wheelchair can help improve a dog’s muscle tone, strength, and overall physical fitness.
  3. Pain Management: Dogs with conditions like hip dysplasia or arthritis often experience pain. A wheelchair alleviates pressure on affected joints, reducing discomfort and promoting pain management.
  4. Faster Recovery: Canine wheelchairs can aid in the rehabilitation process after surgery or injury, allowing dogs to regain strength and mobility more quickly.
  5. Increased Independence: With the assistance of a wheelchair, dogs regain their independence, reducing their reliance on humans for mobility support.

Investing in a top rated dog wheelchair like the rear support dog wheelchair from Best Friend Mobility is a compassionate choice that can greatly improve the quality of life for your beloved furry companion.

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Key Features of the Rear Support Dog WheelchairBenefits
Adjustable and customizable designEnsures a perfect fit and maximum comfort for dogs
Durable constructionProvides long-lasting performance and support
Easy to useMakes it convenient for pet owners to assist their dogs
Improves dogs’ mobilityAllows them to engage in normal activities and explore their environment
Promotes physical and mental well-beingEnhances dogs’ overall quality of life

Investing in a top-rated dog wheelchair can bring immense benefits to your four-legged friend. It’s a pet mobility device that not only supports and stabilizes dogs with mobility challenges but also helps them lead happier, more fulfilling lives.

Introducing the SitGo

Best Friend Mobility’s SitGo is a revolutionary pet wheelchair that caters to the unique needs of dogs with mobility challenges. Unlike traditional dog wheelchairs, the SitGo not only enables dogs to move around but also allows them to sit and relax comfortably in their wheels. This groundbreaking feature sets the SitGo apart from other options in the market, providing a higher level of comfort and versatility for disabled dogs.

The SitGo is designed with an adjustable spring tension system that can be customized to suit the specific needs of each dog. This ensures optimal support and stability, making it an ideal solution for dogs with conditions that cause rear leg pain or weakness. Made from lightweight yet durable materials, the SitGo is easy to maneuver and provides dogs with the freedom to enjoy their favorite activities without limitations.

With its innovative design and exceptional functionality, the SitGo is suitable for a wide range of dog breeds, including big breeds that require a sturdy and reliable wheelchair. Whether it’s a Great Dane, Saint Bernard, or Newfoundland, the SitGo can accommodate the size and weight of larger dogs, offering them the mobility and independence they deserve.

Key Features of the SitGo

The SitGo boasts several key features that make it the best dog wheelchair for big breeds:

  1. Adjustable spring tension system for customized support
  2. Lightweight and durable frame for easy maneuverability
  3. Comfortable sitting position for enhanced relaxation
  4. All-terrain wheels for smooth travel on various surfaces
  5. Padded shoulder support for maximum comfort

The SitGo prioritizes the well-being and comfort of disabled dogs, offering a range of features that cater to their unique needs. Its adjustable and lightweight design provides the perfect combination of support and freedom of movement for large breeds.

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Hip DysplasiaAllows dogs to stay mobile and engage in physical activities despite joint issues
ArthritisRelieves pressure on joints and promotes pain-free movement
Neurological ProblemsAssists dogs with neurological conditions in maintaining mobility and independence
Rear Leg Pain or WeaknessProvides support for dogs with rear limb injuries, enabling them to regain mobility

“The SitGo has been a game-changer for my Labrador Retriever, Max. He loves being able to sit comfortably while still being able to move around freely. It has greatly improved his quality of life, and I highly recommend it to any pet owner with a disabled dog.” – Sarah, SitGo user

Key Features of the SitGo

The SitGo is a top-rated dog wheelchair that serves as an excellent large dog mobility aid and pet mobility device. Its innovative design and features contribute to its effectiveness in providing optimal support and comfort to dogs in need of mobility assistance.

Adjustable Spring Tension System: The SitGo is equipped with an adjustable spring tension system that can accommodate varying weights. This allows for customized support, ensuring dogs of different sizes can have the right level of stability and mobility.

Lightweight Aircraft-Grade Frame: Crafted from durable aircraft-grade materials, the SitGo’s lightweight frame offers both stability and maneuverability. It is designed to withstand regular use and provide reliable support for dogs during their daily activities.

All-Terrain Wheels: The wheelchair features all-terrain wheels, enabling dogs to navigate different surfaces smoothly. Whether it’s grass, gravel, or uneven terrain, the SitGo ensures a comfortable and enjoyable mobility experience for both the pet and owner.

Padded Shoulder Support: The SitGo comes with padded shoulder support, providing additional comfort to dogs while they are in the wheelchair. This feature helps minimize pressure points and ensures dogs can move around without any discomfort or irritation.

Easily Stored and Transported: The SitGo can be easily folded down and compactly stored or transported. Its design allows for hassle-free portability, making it a convenient pet mobility device for pet owners who travel or require easy storage.

Overall, the SitGo offers a range of key features that make it a highly recommended large dog mobility aid and top-rated dog wheelchair. Its adjustable spring tension system, lightweight frame, all-terrain wheels, padded shoulder support, and easy storage capabilities make it an ideal choice for pets in need of mobility assistance.

Suitable Conditions for the SitGo

The SitGo dog wheelchair is a versatile and adjustable pet mobility device that can provide assistance to dogs with various mobility issues. It is designed to cater to a wide range of conditions, ensuring that dogs can regain their freedom and enjoy an improved quality of life.

The SitGo is particularly beneficial for dogs suffering from:

  • Hip dysplasia
  • Arthritis
  • Neurological problems like degenerative myelopathy
  • Fractured spine/back
  • Ligamentous injuries
  • Thoracic or lumbar disc injury

The SitGo is also suitable for dogs in need of rehabilitation, as it can assist in their recovery process. Additionally, the SitGo is specifically designed to benefit rear limb amputees, allowing them to maintain balance and mobility.

Thanks to its versatility and adjustability, the SitGo is a top choice as a best dog wheelchair for large breeds and serves as an excellent pet mobility device for dogs of all sizes.


ConditionSitGo Suitability
Hip dysplasia
Neurological problems like degenerative myelopathy
Fractured spine/back
Ligamentous injuries
Thoracic or lumbar disc injury
Rear limb amputees


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“The SitGo has been a game-changer for my dog with hip dysplasia. Before getting the wheelchair, she was struggling to move around and seemed miserable. But now, she can explore the outdoors, chase her favorite toys, and even sit comfortably in her wheels. It has greatly improved her quality of life, and I’m grateful to Best Friend Mobility for creating such a wonderful product!” – Lisa, dog owner

Size Options and Measurement Guide

Best Friend Mobility understands that every dog is unique, which is why they offer multiple size options for the SitGo dog wheelchair. With a variety of sizes available, you can ensure a perfect fit for dogs of different sizes and breeds. It’s essential to measure your dog correctly to determine the appropriate size for their specific needs.

To measure your dog for the SitGo, refer to Best Friend Mobility’s measurement guide. This guide provides detailed instructions on how to measure your dog’s height, length, and leg circumference accurately. Taking accurate measurements is crucial to ensure the SitGo fits your dog properly and provides the necessary support for their condition.

Once you have obtained the measurements, refer to the size chart provided by Best Friend Mobility to determine the ideal size for your dog. The size options typically range from extra small to extra-large, accommodating various dog breeds and sizes.

Measurement Guide

Height: Measure the distance from the ground to the highest point of your dog’s back. Ensure your dog stands naturally with all four paws on the ground while taking this measurement.

Length: Measure the distance from the base of your dog’s tail to the tip of their nose. Keep the measuring tape along the back for an accurate measurement.

Leg Circumference: Measure the circumference of your dog’s rear legs at their thickest point. This measurement is crucial for determining the appropriate wheel size.

Following the measurement guide and selecting the correct size will provide your dog with the perfect fit and the ultimate mobility experience with the SitGo dog wheelchair.

SizeHeight Range (Inches)Length Range (Inches)Leg Circumference (Inches)
Extra Small8-1014-165-7
Extra Large20-2423-2614-16

Refer to the table above to find the appropriate size range based on your dog’s measurements. If your dog falls in between sizes, it’s recommended to choose the larger size for a more comfortable fit.

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Easy Maintenance and Durability

The SitGo, a pet mobility device designed by Best Friend Mobility, offers not only exceptional functionality but also easy maintenance and long-term durability. This ensures that your furry friend’s wheelchair will remain in excellent condition for years to come, providing ongoing support and freedom of movement.

All parts of the SitGo wheelchair are easily washable and simple to clean. This promotes hygiene and prevents the buildup of dirt or bacteria, guaranteeing a healthy and comfortable mobility device for your disabled dog.

The SitGo’s durability is attributed to the high-quality materials used in its construction. It features an aircraft-grade aluminum frame that provides exceptional strength and stability, ensuring that it can withstand the rigors of daily use. In addition, fiberglass and glass-filled polymers are incorporated into the design, further enhancing the SitGo’s durability and longevity.

With the proper care and maintenance, the SitGo pet wheelchair for disabled dogs can remain in optimal condition for an extended period. This means that your beloved pet will have a reliable and durable mobility aid that allows them to enjoy their daily activities and maintain their independence.


After thorough research and analysis, it is clear that Best Friend Mobility’s large dog wheelchair, specifically the SitGo model, is the top-rated choice for dogs in need of mobility assistance. This innovative wheelchair not only allows dogs to move around freely but also provides them with the ability to sit and lie down comfortably. The SitGo’s unique design, combined with its adjustability and durability, has made it highly recommended by pet owners.

By using Best Friend Mobility’s dog wheelchairs, dogs with conditions such as arthritis, hip dysplasia, and neurological problems can regain their mobility and improve their overall quality of life. These pet mobility devices are designed to provide optimal support and stability, ensuring that dogs can continue to enjoy activities such as walking and running.

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In addition to its functional benefits, the SitGo is also easy to maintain. All parts of the wheelchair are washable and the materials used in its construction are highly durable. This makes the SitGo a reliable and long-lasting solution for dogs in need of a mobility aid.

In conclusion, Best Friend Mobility’s large dog wheelchair, particularly the SitGo model, is highly recommended and rated as one of the best dog wheelchairs on the market. With its unique features, adjustability, durability, and easy maintenance, this wheelchair provides dogs with the opportunity to regain their mobility and live a fulfilling life alongside their human companions.


What is Best Friend Mobility?

Best Friend Mobility is a company that provides adjustable dog wheelchairs for dogs with mobility issues.

How long has Best Friend Mobility been in business?

Best Friend Mobility has been providing adjustable dog wheelchairs since 2005.

What conditions can the rear support dog wheelchair help with?

The rear support dog wheelchair can help dogs with conditions such as hip dysplasia, arthritis, neurological problems, and more.

What is unique about the SitGo dog wheelchair?

The SitGo dog wheelchair allows dogs to sit and relax in their wheels, providing additional comfort.

What are the key features of the SitGo?

The SitGo features an adjustable spring tension system, a lightweight frame, all-terrain wheels, and padded shoulder support for comfort.

What conditions is the SitGo suitable for?

The SitGo is suitable for dogs with hip dysplasia, arthritis, neurological problems, and even for rehabilitation purposes and rear limb amputees.

How do I determine the correct size for the SitGo?

To determine the correct size, refer to the measurement guide provided by Best Friend Mobility and follow the instructions for measuring your dog’s height, length, and leg circumference.

How do I maintain and clean the SitGo?

All parts of the SitGo wheelchair are washable and easy to clean, ensuring hygiene and longevity. The materials used provide durability and require minimal maintenance.

Why is Best Friend Mobility’s large dog wheelchair a top-rated choice?

Best Friend Mobility’s large dog wheelchair, particularly the SitGo model, is highly recommended for its unique design, adjustability, durability, and ease of maintenance, enhancing the quality of life for both pets and their owners.
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