Muzzle your dog properly with these simple steps to protect them and your safety.
Training and Behavior
Find out which dog names are dominating the charts in America at the moment.
Does my dog dream. Ever wondered if your dog dreams when they sleep? It’s...
A study at the University of Vienna, Austria, found something interesting. Dogs, like kids,...
Dogs and Aging Humans. Did you know a 5-year-old dog weighing 20 pounds or...
Did you know that dogs licking too much might mean they have a health...
Dog Ownership for Introverts, Did you know dog owners live longer and visit the...
Did you know that when your dog snuggles up on your lap, it’s more...
Did you know that trained sniffer dogs can detect certain types of cancer with...
Do Dogs Have a Sense of Humor? Many think dogs don’t have a sense...