

dog dna test
dog cost calculator

Dog Cost Calculator for Pet Budgeting

Mar 4, 20247 min read

Dog Cost Calculator, are you a pet parent looking to budget for your furry friend’s expenses? Understanding the costs associated with owning a dog is essential in providing the best care for your four-legged companion. Luckily, there are several dog…

Signs of nutritional deficiencies in dogs

Signs of nutritional deficiencies in dogs

Mar 1, 202410 min read

Did you know that nearly 65% of dogs suffer from some form of nutritional deficiency? A dog’s diet is crucial for their overall health and well-being, and imbalances can have serious consequences. Nutritional deficiencies can arise from various factors, including…

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Transitioning your dog to a raw food diet

Switching Your Dog to a Raw Food Diet Safely

Mar 1, 202414 min read

Switching Your Dog to a Raw Food Diet Safely, Did you know that more and more dog owners are transitioning their furry friends to a raw food diet? It’s true! Raw diets for dogs have been gaining popularity due to…

Can dogs get hypothermia?

Can Dogs Get Hypothermia? Signs & Prevention Tips

Mar 1, 202413 min read

Did you know that dogs can develop hypothermia when exposed to cold temperatures for extended periods of time? It’s true! Just like humans, dogs are susceptible to this dangerous condition when their body temperature drops too low. Whether it’s due…

Navigating Dietary Needs and Allergies for dogs

Allergies for Dogs and Dietary Needs

Feb 12, 202428 min read

As a dog owner, my journey through the world of dog food allergies has taught me the critical importance of hypoallergenic dog food and the complications that arise in navigating dietary needs and allergies for dogs. These issues are more…

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