

dog dna test
Can dogs get bird flu

Can Dogs Get Bird Flu? Facts About Avian Influenza Risks

Jun 13, 202411 min read

Did you know H5N1 bird flu viruses were found in some domestic animals, like cats, in different countries? These include Thailand in 2004, Northern Germany in 2006, and Poland plus South Korea in 2023.1 Cases of bird flu have also…

leptospirosis disease in dogs

leptospirosis Disease in Dogs, Understanding The Risks

May 3, 202411 min read

leptospirosis disease in dogs, Did you know that canine leptospirosis, a bacterial infection, can not only affect dogs but also humans? This alarming fact highlights the seriousness of this disease and the need for proper prevention and treatment. Key Takeaways:…

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fresh dog food recipes

Healthy Fresh Dog Food Recipes

Apr 26, 202425 min read

Fresh dog food recipes. If you’re a dog owner, you know how important it is to feed your furry friend a healthy and balanced diet. However, a shocking statistic reveals that a staggering 80% of commercial dog foods may contain…

best fresh dog food recpies

Top Best Fresh Dog Food Recipes for Health

Apr 23, 202418 min read

Top Best Fresh Dog Food Recipes. Did you know that feeding your furry friend fresh, homemade dog food can significantly boost their health and well-being? It’s true! By incorporating nutrient-rich, natural ingredients into their diet, you can ensure that your…

can dogs eat blueberries

Are Blueberries Safe for Dogs? Essential Guide

Apr 16, 202414 min read

Can dogs eat blueberries. Did you know that blueberries are not only delicious for humans but also a popular treat for dogs? In fact, many pet owners opt to share these juicy berries with their furry companions. But are blueberries…

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